
” Your health is your wealth. “

Health _ Well- being Cover

Community Health and Well-being

Your health is your wealth

Building resilience is a key factor in protecting and promoting health and well-being at both the individual and community levels. Mamelani’s Health and Well-being initiative nurtures resilience and contributes towards community health through a range of activities.

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Health and Well-being Workshops

We run a series of community-based health and well-being workshops in which we share essential health information and address key challenges faced by communities. In these workshops we create safe spaces in which people can talk honestly about the challenges they face and ask the questions they fear to ask elsewhere. 

The content of the workshops covers topics such as nutrition, chronic diseases of lifestyle, TB and HIV. A key component of the workshops is offering a safe space for participants to share about the physical and emotional barriers that they face in managing their own health and the health of their families.

97% increased health literacy

voices of participants:

Health _ Well-being workshops
Health _ Well-being workshops

Health and Well-being Workshops

We run a series of community-based health and well-being workshops in which we share essential health information and address key challenges faced by communities. In these workshops we create safe spaces in which people can talk honestly about the challenges they face and ask the questions they fear to ask elsewhere. 

The content of the workshops covers topics such as nutrition, chronic diseases of lifestyle, TB and HIV. A key component of the workshops is offering a safe space for participants to share about the physical and emotional barriers that they face in managing their own health and the health of their families.

97% increased health literacy

voices of participants:


Community ARV Adherence Clubs

We facilitate 9 community-based adherence clubs in partnership with the Kuyasa Clinic. These clubs ensure that people living with HIV have quick access to medication, user-friendly care, and peer support.

This decreases patient waiting time in high-burdened facilities – saving time and costs. The clubs meet every two months for a standard check – up, collection of medication and a group support session.  Club members can also access individual counselling to receive support with adherence, disclosure and other challenges connected to living with HIV/Aids.

97% adherence rate

voices of participants:

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