Do you know that there are currently over half a million children growing up in foster care and children’s homes, who, by law, have to leave care at the age of 18? From one day to the next, they are expected to become ‘instant adults’ and be independent – to take care of themselves, even if they do not have a home or a way to cope and meet their basic needs.
What were you doing at the age of 18? Can you imagine yourself transitioning into adulthood and having to fend for yourself with no network of support? Given that in the South African context we have a youth unemployment rate of just over 50% and communities heavily impacted by violence, these young people are even at greater risk. International research shows that out of all the identified vulnerable groups, young people who have grown up in care are the most likely to experience poor outcomes in adult life.
Our youth programme, Proseed, supports young people in their transition from care. We support them in developing a network of support and the resilience needed to take the lead in their adult lives. Our aim is to ensure that all young people growing up in care are supported in their transition into adulthood. We invite you to be a part of this vision.
We invest approximately R2000 per month in a young person participating in our three-year programme. During the programme, they receive ongoing mentoring and individual support, four wilderness camps per year, 11 experiential group sessions, food, and transport support. You can match our investment per month for one young person or invest an amount that best suits you. Setting up your investment will take less than five minutes, you can do so here:
As we celebrate and commemorate youth this month, we hope you will assist us in our work of investing in South Africa’s transitioning youth.