” When people are recognized for who they are and what they bring, it
contributes to a sense of purpose, power, and control over their life situations. “

Community Health and Well-being
Your health is your wealth
Building resilience is a key factor in protecting and promoting health and well-being at both the individual and community levels. Mamelani’s Health and Well-being initiative nurtures resilience and contributes towards community health through a range of activities.
voices of participants:

Youth Resilience Initiative
The resilience of one impacts the resilience of another
The Youth Resilience Initiative is an integrated systems-wide approach to supporting youth in their transitions from alternative care.The initiative works at three levels.
The initiative works at three levels. Firstly, we collaborate with youth in their transitions from alternative care. Secondly, we provide training, consultation, and supportive environments to strengthen them in ways organizations build resilience with young people. And thirdly, we influence policy and legislation to ensure that transitional support and after-care services are strengthened in the child protection and youth sectors.
voices of participants:

Community Development
Developing communities by developing people
Mamelani believes in developing communities by developing people. Our community development initiatives are aimed at growing a nation of grassroot leaders and building networks of support in communities.
We strengthen the leadership capacity of grassroot leaders and support them in developing interventions that can have a positive impact on those around them.
The community building initiative creates opportunities for people who have come through our processes to remain connected to a network of support and the Mamelani community
voices of participants: